Plants and plant products include:
Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
Dried Fruit
Cut Flowers and Foliage (fresh and dried)
Nursery stock - Tissue Culture / Cuttings / Plants
Timber / Logs / Wood chips / Bark
Hay and Straw
Processed Plant Products and Miscellaneous Plant Material
Where an importing country specifies a Phytosanitary Certificate is required and / or your consignment is a prescribed good, an Export Permit is also required under the Export Control Act 2020.
Prescribed goods include:
Fresh fruit and vegetables (including mushrooms, sprouts)
Prescribed grains (any seed or the following grains: barley, canola, chickpeas, dried field peas, faba beans, lentils, lupins, mung beans, oats, sorghum, soybeans, whole vetch and wheat)
Plant products (nuts, fodder, straw, timber products, nursery stock, tissue cultures, cotton and other grains and seeds not listed above) that an importing country National Plant Protection Organisation (NPPO) requires a phytosanitary certificate or any other official certificate for.
Check MICOR for details on your product
The Phytosanitary Certification Process
Once registered we will send you our
"Request for Export Permit & Phytosanitary Certification" form
Complete request form & email to
Export Certs creates your RFP* and returns it to you
Authorised Officer inspects product
Department of Agriculture
authorises RFP
Export Permit /Phytosanitary Certificate issued
* RFP - Request for permit.
The RFP replaces the manual Notice of Intention (EX28) and manual Phytosanitary Certificate.