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Collection of Health & Phytosanitary certificates from Department of Agriculture Offices


The Department requires industry to submit a collection list prior to the collection of certificates.

Collection process:

  1. Download and complete the collection list form (Link Below).

  2. Use the Completion Notes below to assist with form completion.

  3. Email all requests to Cairns (email

  4. Complete the subject field using the following format example:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

  5. The department will notify you once all certificates on the list are ready to collect from their office.

  6. All certificates on the list will be placed into a sealed envelope and can only be collected by the nominated person as specified on the collection list.

  7. Once you receive the confirmation email notification that your certificates are ready to be collected, your representative can attend the Department office with the confirmation email to pick up the certificates.


Completion Notes - Certificate Collection Request Form

Certificate Number or RFP Number – use the provided certificate number where a manual cert has been issued. Use the RFP number for all RFP’s

Cert Type (Health, Plant or Manual)

  • Health = for all food RFP’s (Dairy, Fish, Eggs, Meats)  

  • Plant for all Horticulture & Grain RFP’s  

  • Manual for all manual certs e.g Non prescribed goods, re-export certificates

Vet signature Required -  (Yes or No)

  • Only required for some select Health certificates.

  • No for all Horticulture & Grain RFP’s  

Note - Melbourne Department Office Relocation

The Department makes note:

  • Please do not send anyone to collect documents until you have received notification that certificates are ready for collection. The department will no longer be providing certificates unless you have received email notification that the certificates are ready for pick up.

  • The Department will no longer be accepting collection lists submitted over the counter.

Collection, 27/1/21, RFP 7119011, 7119012, ABC Forwarders, Melbourne

Copyright © Export Certs PTY LTD, 2024

Phone: 0448 776 895

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