Fish & Fish Products
Fish and fish products include:
crustaceans (such as prawns, rock lobster, yabbies, crabs)
finfish (such as eel, tuna)
shellfish (such as oysters, scallops, mussels, pipis, clams, cockles)
products where if fish was removed as an ingredient, the product would no longer have the stated or implied characteristics (such as sand-crab lasagna, smoked salmon dip, fish sauce).
Prescribed Fish and fish products / seafood include:
Any seafood product which is intended for human consumption and where the major ingredient is fish (aquaculture and wild caught).
Non-prescribed goods include:
products where fish is an ingredient but not the major part (weight or volume) of the product e.g. bakery products containing fish oils, fish oil capsules
fish and fish products for animal food
products where fish is an ingredient but not described or represented as being a fish product.
Where an importing country requires export registration and certification, a non-prescribed good becomes a prescribed fish product.
Check MICOR for details on your product
Eggs & Egg Products
Egg and egg products include:
whole eggs
liquid egg (whole, yolk only, white only)
dried egg (whole, yolk only, white only)
frozen egg (whole, yolk only, white only)
cooked egg products (e.g. scrambled, boiled, pickled).
Prescribed Egg and egg products include:
Any chicken egg product that is manufactured in Australia intended for human consumption and where the major ingredient is egg (includes whole eggs and products).
Non-prescribed goods include:
Examples include:
products obtained from a chicken for animal consumption
products obtained from a chicken for human consumption where egg is
not the major ingredient (by weight or volume)
an ingredient but is not described or represented as being an egg product (such as mayonnaise, pavlova)
from an animal other than a chicken, including ducks, emu, quail.
You do not need to continue through this guide. You must still meet any specific requirements of the importing country.
In some cases a non-prescribed good becomes a prescribed egg product when an importing country requires export registration and certification.
Check MICOR for details on your product