Dairy products include:
Dairy-based dips
Milk, milk powder and milk powder blends (including infant formula, protein or whey powders)
Prescribed Dairy Goods
Include any dairy product where the major ingredient is dairy and manufactured in Australia intended for human consumption.
(Excluding dairy products to New Zealand, which is considered as non-prescribed).
Non-prescribed goods include:
Dairy products to New Zealand.
Dairy from non-bovine animals (cow's), including sheep, goat, buffalo, camel.
Products for animal consumption, from bovine animals.
Bovine products for human consumption where dairy is
not the major ingredient (by weight or volume), or
the major ingredient, but it is not like a prescribed dairy product, for example ice-cream, cheesecake, custard, colostrum
Where an importing country requires export registration and certification, a non-prescribed good becomes a prescribed dairy product.
Check MICOR for details on your product